According to the etiology, bronchial asthma is divided in the following groups:
Allergic (extrinsic/ atopic) Asthma
This type of asthma usually starts in childhood and is often preceded by eczema. But most of the young adults.developing asthma also fall in this category. Genetic factors also play a significant role i this. In this type of asthma the allergen leads to production of excessive (IgE) immunoglobulins.
Emotional Asthma
Psychological factors (like anxiety, emotional stress etc) are often considered to be the sole cause of some asthmatic attacks, but it is still not certain whether it can be the sole cause or is only a precipitating factor.
Infective or Intrinsic Asthma
his is not hereditary or allergic, but may be caused by, or at least associated with upper respiratory tract or bronchial infection which is usually viral.
Occupational asthma
This can occur in certain industries in which there is exposure to metallic dusts (esp. platinum salts), biological detergents, toluene diisocyanate, polyurethane, flour and dust from grains etc.
Recurrent episode of paroxysmal dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing)The breathing is laboured, with a wheezing sound, mainly on expiration.
Asthma attacks often occur in the early hours of morning (when there is no immediate precipitating cause). During the attack patients often prefers to sit then lie down.
clinically by a doctor. Allergen sensitivity tests, X-ray, spirometry, sputum and blood tests etc may be of use in finding the cause and severity of the condition.
its very different to
- Bronchitis
- Cardiac asthma
- Renal asthma
- Isolated attacks of non-paroxysmal dyspnoea.
Homeopathy Treatment
Homeopathy is a system of medicine which tries to ‘cure’ this disease, instead of trying to provide symptomatic relief. While dealing with a case of asthma, a homeopath not only records the symptoms of the disease but also studies the medical history, family history, physical and psychological characteristics of a person. This helps to find the cause, the precipitating factors, and the hereditary tendency etc.
time of attacks is just after midnight. The patient has a great deal of anguish and restlessness; he cannot lie down for fear of suffocation. There is anxiety and general sweat, and if the patient drowses off he is awakened with burning pain and soreness in the chest.
has a suffocative feeling, and the patient does not see how he can get another breath, and the Bromine patient breathes very deeply as it seems as if he could not get air enough into his lungs.
spasmodic variety where the symptoms are great weight and anxiety about the chest; sudden wheezing, dyspnoea, threatening suffocation, aggravated by motion; the cough causes gagging and vomiting. The cough is constant, the chest seems full of phlegm.chest and a weak sensation in the chest which seems to come from the epigastrium, where there is a feeling of a lump; there is nausea, profuse salivation; the attack is preceded by a pricking sensation through the whole system.A pain extending around the forehead from one temple to other and a pain in the back.
Kali bichromicum
attacks coming on about three or four o’clock in the morning, compelling the patient to sit up to breath; he sits up and bends forward which relives somewhat, as does also the expectoration of stringy yellow mucus, which is characteristic of the remedy.
Intense anxiety, intense fear and a smothering sensation. It suits those of a sensitive, highly organized, nervous temperament; neurotic types when increased anxiety and nervousness predominate.
people, great desire to be alone!
Natrum sulphuricum
general symptoms are worse on change to damp weather.
Its symptoms are moist asthma, with a great deal of rattling in the chest. The symptom of looseness of the bowels after each attack has been repeatedly verified; in one case the patient was worse from aerated waters and alcohol.
Nux vomica
asthmatic attacks are brought on by gastric disturbances; simple spasmodic asthmas; there is some relief by belching, the patient must loosen the clothing. It must also be thought of in those who drink much coffee or liquor. Irritable bilious temperaments also correspond to the drug.A good symptom calling for Nux is a constricted felling at the lower part of the chest. Where there is much abdominal irritation present with much flatulence