Babies! Infants with Reflux or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GER)
Babies! Infants with Reflux or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GER)
In babies with GER, breast milk or formula regularly refluxes into the esophagus, and sometimes out of the mouth. Sometimes babies regurgitate forcefully or have “wet burps.” This can happen because the muscle that connects the esophagus to the stomach (the esophageal sphincter) relaxes at the wrong time or doesn’t properly close.
In other words, the cause of GER, it is basically a birth defect. It is a case of the little flapper between the stomach and the esophagus, not being quite fully developed.
Symptoms of GER
Heartburn is the most common symptom of GER in kids and teens. It can last up to 2 hours and tends to be worse after meals.
In babies and young children, GER can lead to problems during and after feeding, including:
- frequent regurgitation or vomiting, especially after meals
- choking or wheezing (if the contents of the reflux get into the windpipe and lungs)
- wet burps or wet hiccups
- spitting up that continues beyond a child’s first birthday (when it stops for most babies)
- irritability or inconsolable crying after eating
- refusing to eat or eating only small amounts
- failure to gain weight; this is where homeopathy can be of much benefit
Some of these symptoms may become worse if a baby lies down or is placed in a car seat after a meal.
I had a doctor tell me once, that if the milk comes up curdled, the infant is getting the goodness, and not to worry, the infant will grow out of the problem as the sphincter strengthens.
When issues of birth defects arise in families like this, homeopathy can be of so much help.
A couple of remedies to consider may be: Lyc., Carb-v., Ant-c., Bryonia., Caust., Aethusa cyn. (milk allergies and Pyloric stenosis, stomach disorders; projectile vomit)