MMR Vaccine Injury
Basic Mental Symptoms Of MMR Vaccine Injury
- Anxiety in new situations
- Bangs their head when angry
- Copies the behaviors of others
- Cries for no reason
- Deep sleep
- Delayed speech, says only a few foods
- Difficulty mixing with other children or social anxiety.
- Easily offended and confused
- Echolalia
- Excellent memory for things of interest; poor short term memory
- Fear at night, fearful on waking
- Fear in crowds and of faces
- Fear of death
- Fear of dogs
- Fear of sounds, noises, covers ears from noises
- Hallucinations, at night and in daytime
- Hits themselves, thrashes about
- Hyperfocus on certain types of information or visual stimulation in the environment
- Isolated, prefers to be at home
- Issues around water; likes water but afraid shower
- Lack of concentration
- Likes to watch water flow; fascinated with water
- Moaning and groaning when stressed or in sleep
- Moaning and groaning with sensory overload
- Naive
- Night terrors, night mares
- OCD and repetitive behaviors
- Outbursts of anger
- Oversensitive
- Picky eater
- Poor facial memory
- Prefers to be at home
- Rage – unexpectedly
- Resists touch and cuddling
- Restlessness
- Restless in bed; wakes hot and sweaty from sleep
- Rigidity
- Stims, gestures, waves arms and/or flaps arms
- Stubborn, will tantrum if interrupted.
- Suicidal disposition
- Suspicious
- Suppress anger; may pull or scratch at caregivers
- Sympathetic and desires sympathy
- Undresses and wants to run around naked (children)
- Vagueness
Basic Physical Symptoms Of MMR Vaccine Injury
- Absence of childhood illnesses
- Absence of high fevers
- Deafness or hearing difficulties or hyperacute hearing
- Dry patches on arms and legs.
- Eruptions in intestines
- Eruptions behind the ears
- Falls and looses balance
- Hives
- Intermittent paralysis
- Lack of eye contact
- Loves the outdoors
- Molluscum contagious is common
- Pain in stomach.
- Poor self dressing skills
- Poor self feeding skills
- Purpura (blood vessels burst and blood pools under your skin, resulting in spots) and internal bleeding.
- Rashes
- Recurrent inner-ear infections
- Refuses foods, capricious appetite
- Swelling of glands
- Swelling of tonsils and/or adenoids
- Thirst is very strong, including at night
- Toilet training is difficult
- Unexpected food cravings
- Walks on toes
- Uncoordinated fine motor skills
Common Homeopathic Remedies for MMR Vaccine Injury
Professional guidance in treated MMR vaccine injury is required
- Alumina
- Belladonna
- Bowel Nosodes
- Calcarea Carbonica
- Carcinosin Nosode
- Lycopodium
- MMR Vaccine Clearing Remedies
- Mercurius
- Nux Vomica
- Pulsatilla
- Rhus Tox
- Sarcodes
- Silicea
- Sulphur
- Staphysagria
- Tarentula
- Thuja
- Tuberculinum
1 Comment
Palak Bhatt
nice info to share