Sore Throat Symptoms
- swollen tonsils
- enlarged and tender glands in your neck
- a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or over
- aching muscles
- tiredness
- a cough
- discomfort when swallowing
- a runny nose
- a headache
- a painful, tender feeling at the back of your throat
Ammonium muriaticum
has sore throat with viscid phlegm, so tough that it cannot be hawked up. There is rawness in the naso-pharynx and hoarseness.
It is indicated by great dryness and brightness of the throat; it has a glazed appearance, the fauces are inflamed, the tonsils are swollen and enlarged, worse on the right side; constant desire to swallow. There is constricted sensation in the throat, worse from swallowing when liquids and even food are ejected through the nose. There is great soreness from the swelling and hyperaesthesia of the fauces. Sore throats of catarrhal origin, rapid in progress and having dryness as a prominent symptoms are promptly relieved by Belladonna
Baptisia is useful in ulcerated sore throat, with excessively offensive odor from the parts. Excessive putridity marks the remedy.
Cistus Canadensis
has great dryness of the throat; so dry that there is a sensation of sand in the throat and the patient drinks often to moisten the parts.
highly inflamed throat covered with a plastic lymph. there is spasm of the throat with a feeling of intense constriction. The throat feels as if on fire, the pain seems to be at the back of the throat.
Useful in sore throats of smokers and drinkers, with burning and relaxed uvula, throat sore and contracted even when not swallowing; the fauces are dark red. There is excessive smarting and burning; cold aggravates.
considered almost specific in ordinary pharyngitis, when it is worse on the right side, where the tonsils are swollen and throat is so dry that the patient must drink.
Chronic sore throat, with the sensation of a lump in the throat.
Hepar sulphur
Sharp splinter-like pains in the throat indicate this remedy, or a sensation as if there were a lump in the throat.The sensation of a fish bone in the throat is quite characteristic.
Nux vomica
irritated throats of smokers, drinkers and preachers; there is a follicular rawness and scraping in the throat which is usually caused by irritation from tobacco smoke.It is a chronic pharyngitis, and there may be atrophic white patches in the throat. There is also sensitiveness and a dry cough.
Mercurius has dryness and great soreness of the throat, the patient is obliged to swallow constantly and there is much soreness and swelling of the glands. The throat is raw and burning and also red and swollen.
Great swelling of the glands and accumulation of thick, tenacious mucus in the throat mark this remedy. The tongue is coated yellow at the base, the tips and sides being red. It is more valuable in chronic troubles with less swelling than discharge. Diphtheritic deposits beginning on the right side.
Kali bichromicum
swelling of the tonsils, and ulcers which exude a purulent discharge; there are diseased follicles which exude a caseous matter; the coating of the tongue is yellow at the base sensation of dryness, of burning and of rawness, or a scraping feeling as if something were sticking in the throat.
Kali muriaticum
tonsils are swollen and inflamed, and there is grayish spots or ulcers on them. It is almost specific for the form of ulcerated sore throat which results from gastric disturbances. The glands about the throat are swollen.
Sensation of a lump in the throat, which seems to go down when swallowing, difficult breathing. Empty swallowing is painful and fluids escape from the nose
tonsils are dark red, the parts feel sore, and the pain on swallowing is at the root of the tongue, accompanied by a general aching in the back and limbs. the throat worse from hot fluids.
Wyethia has great dryness in the pharynx and posterior nares, an elongated uvula and burning of the epiglottis.